We added this page as many of you are downloading the files one by one.
If you have already read this... skip below to login.
(It is taking you forever to do this and us the same amount of time to retreive them :(
You can drag up to 100 Gigs of files at once and transfer them in one shot. Here's how:
- Fill in all fields (Email, First Name, Last Name, and Company).
- If you are uploading something not associated with a business, you can just put your name in the "Company" field.
- Highlight all the files on your computer.

- Left click and drag the files to the box

- Once you add file(s), you can add additional files (sending up to 3 gigabytes at a time). Just click on the "+Add More" button that appears when you add a file.
- Once you've added all the files you want to upload, click "Upload

We hope this helps