It's all about saving time and money! Here are some forms that may help you. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. If you have any ideas for additional forms that we can provide please let us know.
The forms below are Adobe® .pdf files. You must have Adobe Reader® to view them. Adobe Reader® is a free program. If you do not have Adobe Reader®, or you need to get the most recent version Click Here.
2023 1099 Price Sheet | DOCUMENT |
2024 1099 Client Worksheet | DOCUMENT |
1099-MISC vs. 1099-NEC | DOCUMENT |
DOL Proposed rule on Independent contractor | DOCUMENT |
Employing Independent contractors and other Gig workers | DOCUMENT |
Zelle users are circumventing IRS Tax rules | DOCUMENT |
IRS delays $600 threshold - 1099 K | DOCUMENT |
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